Gender Pay Statement

Gender Pay Gap Report 2022


Employers with 250 or more employees must publish and report specific figures about their gender pay gap.

We have to report our findings by 4 April each year and have to report on:

Mean gender pay gap in hourly pay

Median gender pay gap in hourly pay

Mean bonus gender pay gap

Median bonus gender pay gap

Proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment

Proportion of males and females in each pay quartile.

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap is the difference between the average earnings of men and women, regardless of the nature of their work.

This is expressed as a percentage of men's earnings, e.g., women earn x% less than men. A negative percentage indicates that women earn more than men.

It is important to know that the gender pay gap does not measure Equal Pay, which relates to the amount that men and women are paid for the same or similar jobs.

How are the Mean and Median Pay and Bonus Gap calculated?

The mean pay gap is calculated by adding up all the hourly rates of ‘full-pay relevant' employees and dividing this by the total number of ‘full-pay relevant' employees. The mean gender pay gap is the difference between the average male pay and the average female pay.

The median pay gap is calculated by listing all the hourly rates of ‘full-pay relevant' employees in order and selecting the middle number. The median gap is the difference in the male middle number and the female middle number.

Mean and median calculations are also carried out when comparing bonus pay over a twelve month period for ‘relevant' employees. The proportion of men and women awarded any bonus pay over that period is also reported.

How are the Pay Quartiles calculated?

The quartiles are calculated by listing the hourly rates of ‘full-pay relevant' employees across the business from lowest to highest, before allocating that list into four equal sized groups of men and women and calculating the percentage of men and women in each of these groups.

Snapshot date

The mean and median pay gap and quartile pay bandings are calculated as at the 5 April 2022 (‘snapshot' date).

The bonus gap calculations are based on the bonus payments made in the 12 months prior to 5 April 2022 (‘snapshot' date).

Our Gender Pay Gap

As at the ‘snapshot' date we had a total of 421 employees, of which 77% are women. Approximately 96% of these women work in our stores which is broadly consistent with the demographics in the Retail sector. We believe these posts to be particularly appealing to female applicants due to the variety of work patterns we offer. This also being reflected in all the quartiles.

Pay Quartiles

Lower Quartile

Lower Middle Quartile

Upper Middle Quartile

Upper Quartile















Mean and Median

Our mean gender pay gap is 19.5% in favour of males

Our median gender pay gap is 1.3% in favour of males

We consider that the Mean gender pay gap percentage sits as it does as there is a concentration of the male population of employees in the upper quartiles.

Our mean bonus gap is 80.7% in favour of males.

Our median bonus gap is 62.6% in favour of males.

The proportion of males and females receiving a bonus payment is 25.8% male and 14.6% women.

Our commitment to equality

We are confident that the systems we have in place ensures that men and women doing the same job, or work of the same value, are paid the same.

All of our policies and procedures are applied equally to staff, regardless of gender.

Our commitment for the future

To ensure that the Gender Pay Gap reporting is adhered to and to continue to be a fair and equal opportunity employer.

I confirm that the information contained in this report is accurate and have been calculated in accordance with the gender pay gap reporting requirements as outlined in the legislation.

Rebecca Colyer
Finance Director

Choice Discount Stores Limited